Solar Panels for Electricity
Save Big with Solar Energy
Solar Power can Save you Hundreds per Month
If you’re considering taking the next step to gain your energy independence, call Precision Solar for a free quote today on a solar panel system today!
Thousands of homeowners each year are saving money on their bills and reducing their energy footprint by installing solar panels for electricity. There are generous government incentives available to help you make this worthwhile investment in your energy future. The savings you stand to gain as energy prices continue to rise make Solar energy a real investment in your families future. It really is one of the best places to put your money to work.
Stop buying electricity, and start making your own with solar!
We make going solar easy. In just a few steps, we’ll determine your energy needs and set you up with a solar energy system that’s right for you. Learn more about our process.
Solar Panels for Electricity (PV) Basics
Most residential solar energy systems remain connected to the utility grid. These grid-tied systems generate power on-site to supply a home or business. During the day a system produces extra power and “banks” this onto the utility grid using a process called net energy metering. Your utility meter tracks the extra energy you produce during the day, and at night you’re able to use that credit and power your home. This way you get back the energy you made during the day unit for unit. The goal of most solar owners is to offset their usage by 100%, thus getting their yearly out of pocket energy cost as close to $0 as possible. Our skilled system designers can plan a system that’s sized just right for you.

A Solar Energy System Consists of:
- Solar Electric (PV) Panels (Solar Panels) — Generate DC electricity from exposure to sunlight
- Inverter — Converts the DC to standard AC electricity that is compatible with the electrical grid and your home
- Utility Meter — Tracks the solar electricity that your system produces and feeds to the utility grid, thereby keeping track of your credit from the utility.
Battery back up systems can be built into a grid-tied solar electric system. These consist of a large bank of batteries and an additional inverter designed to work with your panels and the electrical grid. A battery back up system allows your system to continue to operate even if the electrical grid goes down, by giving you an additional place to store the electricity you produce each day.
Another type of system is an off-grid solar electric system. Off-grid systems are typically set up in remote locations that don’t have access to the electrical grid. Off-grid systems must also include an extensive array of batteries in order to function. Off-grid systems are much less common than grid-tied systems.
Saving You Money
You own your home, own your electricity too! Why keep buying electricity from a utility that can charge you whatever they want, when you can own your electricity for the next 30 + years. Fact: A Precision Solar Panel System can pay for itself in 4-6 years, and continue to provide $1000’s of free electricity for decades to come! The return on investment is just plain great. Solar energy is not just a practical upgrade to your home, it’s quite literally one of the best places to invest your money.

Why does Solar panels for Electricity make Pocketbook Sense?
- The federal tax credit bring down the initial capital costs of a solar electric system by as much as 26%.
- The cost of electricity from the utility is high and will continue to increase. By generating your own power with solar energy, you stabilize your cost of electricity today and avoid the pain of future rate hikes.
- Solar power is an investment, and may add resale value to your home.
- A home equity or solar loan can break down initial system costs into monthly payments that significantly beat current electric bills, even considering interest.
The Benefits of a Solar Panel System in California
Federal Tax Credit
Right now the solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC) offers any homeowner a 26% federal tax credit for installing a solar electric system in 2021. This tax credit applies dollar for dollar against your tax liability— much better than a tax deduction, this is a tax credit.
Hedge Against Rising Utility Rates
California has among the highest rates of electricity in the country, with rates reaching as high as $0.50 per Kwh for some customers. Over the last 30 years, rates for customers in California have increased at an average of 6% per year. Think you hate what you’re paying now? You can plan on paying more. Just consider what your bill might be in 5 or 10 years, even if the cost of electricity inflates at just 1/2 it’s historical rate! California has a tiered-rate structure for residential customers. The more electricity you use, the higher your rates get. That means the higher your bills are now, the more you save by installing a cost effective solar electric system from Precision Solar.
Add Value to Your Home
Installing solar panels is an investment that may add significant resale value to your home. An excerpt from a 1998 article published in the Appraisal Journal notes: “A home’s value is increased by $20,000 for every $1,000 reduction in annual operating costs from energy efficiency.” In the same way upgrading your kitchen becomes both a resource and an investment in your home, so too with solar. On a related note:
In California, solar panel systems are exempt from state property reassessment tax. This means you benefit from increased property value from the addition of a solar system to your home without the penalty of taxation.
Depending on your goal, Precision Solar can design a solar panel system to do one of two things:
- Zero-out your electricity bill.
- Eliminate your most expensive electricity cost to reduce your bill.
Net-metering allows you to use the grid like an energy bank account– debiting and crediting your utility account as you produce and use power. Utilities are required to credit you for the solar electricity your system generates and feeds to the grid at the same price they would sell it to you. However, excess electricity you produce but do not use within a 12-month period becomes your donation to the utility grid—you will NOT receive a check from the utility for this excess. For this reason, it is important to properly size your solar energy system to avoid this. Our system designers can properly plan and permit a solar installation system sized just right for you. We can even over size a solar energy system to meet your future needs, if you plan on adding an electric car or a new AC unit.
Already have a Solar Panel system?
Precision Solar has Professional Solar Servicing at great prices.
Or how about adding a Solar Hot Water or Solar Pool Heating system to add even more energy independence?
Solar Panels for Electricity Frequently Asked Questions
What size solar system do I need?
A solar electric system designed by Precision Solar can easily produce all the electricity you need for your home. They come in many different sizes, and we have a system that just the right size to meet your needs. We typically go back and look at your old electric bills to see how many kilowatt-hours per month you have been using. Based on your usage, we can recommend a system that meets your electric load.
How much space does a solar installation system take up on my roof?
Solar electric power systems take approximately 100 sq ft of surface area (collector area) per 1 kilowatt of generating capacity. Therefore the average 4-kilowatt system we were talking about would require about 400 sq ft of area of good southern exposure.
Do I need to buy a solar system that will eliminate my electric bill?
No. Many people buy systems that only eliminate part of their electric bill. The utilities have adopted a rate structure that increases the cost of electricity as you use more of it. Many people choose a system that will only eliminate the most expensive electricity. This increases the return on your investment.
Will the utility company send me a check if I produce more power than I use?
No. However, if you produce more power than you use in any given month, the utility will bank that electricity and you can draw down that electricity credit for up to one year.
Will I ever have to pay another electric rate increase if I buy a solar system?
If you opt to purchase a solar energy system that covers your entire electricity usage, you won’t ever have to pay for power again. Investing in a solar electric power system is like buying insurance against future rate hikes; you’ll never get another electric rate increase for the next 30 years and you become your own power company. You’ve bought the PV system, now the fuel (sunshine) is free!
How do I get credit from the utility company for solar electricity I produce?
With a grid-tied solar electric system you still have your “line-coming-in” from the utility, just like before, only now you also have a “line-out” to send your extra electricity back to the utility grid. The Net-Metering law (in place in several States), requires the local utility company to credit you for the amount of solar electricity your system produces and feeds into the grid.
The utility meter measures the difference between the electricity you buy from the utility and the electricity you generate with your solar electric system. When you are making more electricity than you are using, like typical summer days, your extra electricity automatically gets metered back out (sold) to the utility grid. You receive credit for this power at the same rate they sell it to you. Net Metering allows you to use the electric utility grid like a bank account. You can put electricity into it that you don’t use immediately and you can withdraw the same amount later on at no net cost to you.
The Net-Metering billing system is a 12-month billing cycle. Because you make more in the summer, and less in the winter, they allow you to credit your summer months into your winter months. At no time will the utility actually write you a check, net-metering requires the utilities to credit you for up to the amount that you use. The idea is to get a system that just meets your needs and avoid paying any electric bill at all.
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